
I am that book nerd.
I’m the one
Walking into walls,
Running into trashcans,
And knocking over drinks because
I can’t pull my head out of a book for more than three seconds,
Which, let’s face it,
Is not enough time to notice that oncoming pole.

I am that book nerd who
Had the opportunity to play sports
And join clubs,
But instead opted for the comfort of an armchair
In the school library.

I am that book nerd who
Explored space, Australia, Britain, Japan,
The Appalacians, Antarctica, and
Lands you’ve never heard of–
All before I learned to drive.

I am that book nerd that
Lives for the sound of pages turning
And the breath that comes with each new word.

I am that book nerd whose
Closest friends were named Harry, Ron, and Hermione,
Whose arch-nemesis was Kronos,
Whose mission was to find Captain Flint’s buried treasure.

I am that book nerd who
Fought for her life everyday
Against the demons in her head who wished her to die.
Who found strength in books
When her own world was far too scary.

I am that book nerd who has
Lived a thousand lives,
And has loved a thousand worlds,
And made a thousand friends,
And fought a thousand foes,
All through the brilliance of books.

Taken at Denver Comic Con in 2015

Taken at Denver Comic Con in 2015

–m.blanton may 2015

My name is Meghan Blanton. I’m currently a student at Colorado State University pursuing a degree in music and business. I am an avid reader and have been as long as I can remember. When my college composition professor told me that my assignment was to create a blog on something I was passionate about, the answer was clear: books. Lots of books. Books galore. Books out the whazoo. Books with booze. Because let’s be real; nothing screams “class” like a good book in a fancy red armchair, next to a fireplace, with a nice glass of brandy.

I’ve taken a wide breadth of English literature classes from high school through community college, and am finally finding the money to pay the credit fee to take more literature classes at the university level. I love to analyze the meanings behind words and the historical context of the periods that books were written in.

I was also a bit of an alcoholic (oops). When I first set off on my big college adventure, I found myself in the podunk town of Cheyenne, WY. As I took on a 27 credit hour semester, I found that I no longer had time to read for leisure, leaving me to deal with reality of having no friends and no life. I was drowning in my loneliness and the lack of hobbies that didn’t involve accepting booze from older non-traditional students and drinking myself into failing grades. I was a mess. But I began to read again. I got out of the apartment a little more. I started making much better tasting drinks beside taking shots of Burnetts straight from the bottle. (Please don’t do that.) By the time I graduated with my associates degree, I found myself with over 250 books read during college and a personal recipe book of cocktails.

So now here I am with a rum and coke, my usual, and a book in hand ready to explore another universe. I hope you’ll enjoy taking this journey with me. The theme of the next couple months will be Adolescent Literature. (This blog is going to run along side whatever literature class I’m currently taking.) I hope I can provide you with some interesting interpretations of books, and maybe some insight into how these books tie back to the world at large.

Enjoy the journey.


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